Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Rowan loves his momma!

Rowan is now 6 days old and is doing fantastic. He had a lot of time with mom today. As soon as he starts laying on her chest he stops fussing. He is now able to lay on his back in his crib and his back closure is healing very well.  The effects of all the medicine that was in his system appear to be worn off because he is much more aware and active.  He definitely has a set of lungs and isn't hesitant to let the nurse know that he doesn't like being lifted off mommy's lap. 

In terms of clinical progress he is doing great.  He has gained 5 ounces now weighing 6 lbs 13 ounces. He is no longer taking any supplemental nutrition and is feeding from Steph and a bottle.  His IV will most likely be removed tomorrow after he finishes IV antibiotics. The nursing staff took three catheter measurements to see how his bladder was emptying and all three times it was almost fully empty which is great. At this point the limiting factor for him going home will be him showing that he can eat enough on his own without needing a feeding tube. He has been learning to be a better eater and is making great progress. The neurosurgeon is pleased with his healing and felt that the shunt was functioning well. He was wiggling around quite a bit today and moving his little toes.

Not sure who loves Kangaroo time more, Mom or Rowan?


  1. Awwww, yay!!! So glad Steph and Rowan get to enjoy all the cuddling. Praise God for good feeding via Steph and the bottle!! Now just praying for getting you three home together soon! Love you all!

  2. fantastic!!! yay for nursing! and I am AMAZED to hear he is moving his toes. wow. Enjoy these days. Enjoy those snuggles!! praying for you.

    Jen Potter

  3. So glad to hear that things are going so well!! It looks like Steph is a natural, we all knew she would be...mommies are the BEST!! continued prayers are with you guys that you can soon take Rowan home and that he continues to do well. He is beautiful!! :)
    Love you guys
