Sunday, May 11, 2014

Walk 'N Roll 2014

Last weekend our family participated in the Spina Bifida Walk 'N Roll in Wash Park. We made the 2 mile walk around the park and talked to several families that Steph has connected with through her moms groups. It was a great chance to see some other families while raising money for the Colorado chapter of the Spina Bifida Association. Thanks to all who contributed!

The last month has brought about quite a few changes in Mr. Rowan. After months and months of attempting to teach him sign language finally something clicked so anytime Rowan sees food he starts signing "more" and "eat." He still isn't able to crawl forward but has figured out how a combination of rolling, backwards crawling, and moving side to side can pretty much get him where he wants to go. His favorite activity is opening drawers and emptying them. Pretty soon we are going to need to invest in cabinet door locks.

Rowan has been working more on steps and has special braces to help support his legs during walking. He is able to stand for much longer and especially enjoys playing at the playground. Next month we will go to spina bifida clinic to have another look at his hips and bladder function. We continue to have physical therapy every few weeks and while at times the progress seems a bit slow he is definitely gaining more strength and moving around more. It's about 3 months until Rowan is a big brother which is quite a scary thought. However, we are very excited two have two little ones close in age to be good buddies.

Kyle, Steph & Rowan
Rowan walked across the Finish to a host of cheers

Play time at playground
First Family Hike of the season

I love Easter Eggs!