Sunday, May 19, 2013

Forget Spring, Summer has Sprung!

April brought snow to Denver every week, typically on a Monday. Somehow Colorado decided that we didn’t need a spring this year so we skipped 65 and sunny and went from 8 inches of snow to 85 degrees. So now that’s its warm we have been taking advantage of it!

We started off the month of May with the Walk-N-Roll that we have talked about many times before. We blew our goal of $1000 out of the water and raised an incredible $1495 for the Spina Bifida Association of Colorado! Pretty amazing so thank you so much to all of you for your generous donations. We had Kathy and Ashley with us on the walk plus several friends from Denver joined us for the stroll around Wash Park. The event allowed us to connect with some other families affected by the disease and Stephanie made a few more mom connections in Colorado.
Grammy Buck, Aunt Ashley, and the family at Walk-N-Roll 
The Whole Walk-N-Roll Crew. Thanks!
May 12 marked 5 months for Rowan blessing us with his presence. He dressed up in a bow tie for the event. (Thanks Leslie for the sewing)  Nana and Papaw Thomas spent 4 days with us in May and provided a lot of grandparenting help. We were able to plant our spring flowers, prepare the herb garden, and host a baby shower. We have had quite the stream of visitors with the Bucks, Thomas’ and most recently Kevin and Sheri Carlstrom spending time with us. We love having visitors and we don’t have any reservations at the Thomas Chalet until August so come on out!
5 months, as studly as ever, and a healthy 17 lbs!
Nana & Papaw Thomas enjoyed every minute with Rowan
Happy Mother's Day to our wonderful Mom
We are planning to drive to Indiana May 28th, still not sure exactly how this will work out. I think it's likely we'll turn around at the Nebraska border and drive to DIA and purchase plane tickets. Stephanie and Rowan will spend nearly two weeks in Indiana. We will celebrate our 7th wedding anniversary in two weeks and are hoping one of Rowan's favorite aunts will volunteer to babysit so we can have a date night.

Rowan continues to be a very happy boy and he's sleeping better. He is very healthy and is now going to Physical Therapy every two weeks and showing great progress. We continue to feel very blessed to have him in our lives and thank all of you for your prayers and support.
Kyle & Stephanie