Thursday, December 20, 2012

We're going home!

Seat backs up, tray tables stowed, electronic devices off. It's time for landing, we are bringing a baby home! Just like his papa, Rowan aced all of his tests today and was cleared to go home. The NICU staff was considering sending him home this afternoon but we didn't press the issue too much so we could have one last date night while the NICU was acting as babysitter.  We'll head in tomorrow at 9 and supposedly they'll actually let us leave the hospital with a baby.  I haven't found the study guide for the "Are you qualified to be a parent" exam that we'll need to pass tomorrow so if any of you have a copy please send my way ASAP!

Over the past few days Rowan has had several tests looking at his bladder function and we are very pleased with the results.  As of now they don't want us to use a catheter with him as he seems to be emptying his bladder fully on his own.  We will follow up with the urologist in 3 months to be sure everything still looks good there.  He continues to move his little legs, feet, and toes.  We won't know the extent of control and strength he has in his legs for some time. He passed his hearing exam and showed that he can be completely passed out in his car seat and keep breathing.  The neurosurgeon is very happy with his progress and we will follow up with her at the end of January.  So, for the time being we are basically bringing home a baby with no instructions other than to feed him, change his diaper, and put him to sleep.

Something we have learned through this journey is that Rowan isn't a diagnosis, he isn't a condition, he isn't a birth defect.  He's a precious child perfectly and wonderfully created in God's image.  The initial news of Rowan's condition was heartbreaking but we couldn't be happier to be bringing home our perfect son.  Will there be some obstacles in the road we didn't hope for? Certainly. Are we confident that God has guided us through this journey and will continue to do so? Certainly. I am reminded of the words from Proverbs 3:5. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths."

Yea Mom! I graduated from the NICU!
(Thanks to all the PSL NICU staff for the wonderful care. Nurse Kelsie holding Rowan)

Uncle Buck's School of Basketball, the Next Generation


  1. WOW i am SO happy for you guys!! Yes it is always crazy when you leave the hospital with a baby, it doesn't seem possible but you guys will be great. Wish i could meet him, now!! May God continue to bless you guys as parents and Rowan going home! Merry Christmas and Love you guys so much.

  2. Fearfully and WONDERFULLY made! Enjoy Christmas at HOME with your son!!! yay!

  3. Oh my, this is the best Christmas gift! I know that your hearts are just overflowing with love for this little blessing! Merry Christmas Steph, Kyle and Rowan!

  4. I have been thinking and praying for your entire family, especially during the time of Stan's death. God has laid on my heart this to share with you: This child is HIS. He is in HIS hands. He is fearfully and wonderfully made in HIS hands. Who knows what wonderful future our glorious God has in plan for Rowan's life? Stephanie, I don't know if you realize this, but after I had cancer I was told it was highly unlikely that I would be able to bear more children. I was told it was risky for my health. I was told that it would a an at-risk pregnancy. I was told that she would not be born healthy. Everywhere I turned there were naysayers! But our GREAT and GLORIOUS GOD had another plan, and blessed me with my beautiful Heather less than two and a half years after my diagnosis and treatment. Today, she is a healthy and happy 13-year-old, and I remain cancer-free for 15 years.

    So while God has given us the blessing of doctors, they don't always know everything. In reading your post of how well Rowan is doing, I sense that he will, by God's grace, astound us all with his progress. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!
