Wednesday, December 5, 2012

7 Days

I'm like a farmer in a lot of ways.  I pay very close attention to the weather forecast.  However, instead of hoping for rain, I long for sunny, warm, calm days to spend patrolling Colorado hill country on my bicycle.  I was on my phone earlier this week looking at the 10 day forecast and as I scrolled down the forecast what did I see? Dec 12. Wait a minute, that's the day the baby is coming, and it's showing on the 10 day forecast! 

A 40 week pregnancy has seemed very long. I can't imagine how long it has seemed to Stephanie going through sickness, emotional highs and lows, losing her body, other unglamorous details I will bypass. Now that we have neared the end of this 40 week journey it doesn't seem nearly long enough.  Is there some sort of special pill you can take to make it 80 weeks?  This is serious.  At the end of these 40 weeks you go home with a baby!

Ready or not Baby T is coming, in one week.  Here's a brief photo summary of the last 9 months.

March: We headed to the Dominican Republic for Spring Break. Great relaxing time for us both.
April: Call it a coincidence when 4 weeks after the Dominican as I'm grilling brats Steph yells my name from upstairs. "Kyle, come look at this!" Sure enough, all 5 pregnancy tests were positive. Soon after the heartbeat was heard on ultrasound. It was official, pregnant.
May: Celebrate 6th anniversary and have heated debates on baby names
June: Steph attends camp with her mentee Leanna and her family. Kyle rides his bike, a lot.
July: Steph shows first external signs of being pregnant. In matter of 4 days we learn that Stan's cancer has returned and the baby has Spina Bifida. Not the best month we've ever had.
August: We travel to Vanderbilt and become incredibly educated on Spina Bifida and fetal surgery. We are signed up for the surgery August 21 only to find out 3 days prior it's cancelled. We had prepared ourselves for a very abnormal pregnancy only to find out things would be more normal after all.
September: The Bucks visit Denver and Steph really starts to look pregnant.
October: Steph turns 30, has two baby showers, and goes to Florida with her parents to celebrate their 31st anniversary. Busy month.
November: Kyle turns 30. November 18, Stan passes away after 18 months fighting cancer.
December: Welcome Baby T

2012 has been a year marked by extreme joy and sadness.  Learning of Steph becoming pregnant and hearing the heartbeat were incredible moments for us both.  At the same time facing the physical condition of the baby and Stan's passing has brought great sorrow.  We very much relate to the words of James when he says "Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him." James 1:12. This has been a year of trials but we rejoice in what God has done and will continue to do.

Kyle & Steph


  1. wow what a year you guys have had and look how much stronger you guys are. We are thinking and praying for you guys as your special day comes, please keep us updated as you can so we can continue thoughts and prayers. Also please let me know if I can help in any way. Love you guys... God Bless
    Kleersnyders :)

  2. Beautifully said, Kyle. God Bless the three of you as you embark on this new adventure with Christ :)
